Thanks for stumbling upon this site. I welcome any questions or feedback on the novel, the website, the state of our politics in this country, the essays, the drink recipes, the games, your inspiration to write . . .  I’m sure I’ll be adding to this site as we go along. Subscribe if you want to get notice of any new articles, profile videos or other news that is noteworthy. Or new drink recipes. And there will be another book. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or follow my public Facebook page - linked here below.

And I encourage you to mention the novel to anyone you know who loves presidents, politics or US history. And baseball… dogs… or drinking. Put a review up on Amazon or Goodreads if you are up to it and want to help the cause. :) It has received great reviews.

Thanks for spending some time in the saloon.



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A huge thank you to Tessa Elwood for all her work developing this site!